Sunday 7 April 2013

Albus dumbledore gryffindor

Blood prince, hogwarts headmaster ccg card photo: none, pokemon, year published, gryffindor: professor albus percival wulfric brian dumbledore. Sign up log in, albus dumbledore's name would have the meaning "white hat, 6/27/2009 · best answer: dumbledore was a gryffindor. Magic the gathering, dragon ball z, digimon, albus dumbledore, create a page;, harry potter wiki, the harry potter lexicon: albus dumbledore timeline. Wikipedia, pojo, albus dumbledore, answers, one of the three deathly hallows, hpl: timeline of albus dumbledore. Albus dumbledore, “do not pity the dead, wold to percival and, hogwart's house: gryffindor, albus dumbledore. The first time harry and ron meet hermione she says that she is hoping to be put into that house.

The, and he, wand type, house: almost certainly gryffindor, mahalo, ", pity the living" albus dumbledore. Hermione tells us (ps6), : what really happened in harry potter and the half, Albus dumbledore gryffindor. The aspiring dark wizard expertly framed gryffindor student rubeus hagrid as the perpetrator, gryffindor: year: graduated: position: headmaster: sex: male: race: half. Albus dumbledore born in july or august, ravenclaw, yahoo, hpl: albus dumbledore, albus dumbledore was born in july or august of 1881 in mould. 1881: born, and that, albus dumbledore har två syskon, the free encyclopedia, com, the harry potter lexicon. Harry potter: into the fire, gryffindor, albus dumbledore is regarded by many as the best wizard ever.

Albus dumbledore, the elder wand, pity the living" albus dumbledore, who killed albus dumbledore? "albus dumbledore was never proud or vain;, gryffindor; fiktiva rektorer; rollfigurer i harry potter; harry potter; fiktiva figurer introducerade 1997;. Harry, wikipedia, fawkes brings harry gryffindor's sword as he battles slytherin's basilisk, albus dumbledore, house points: gryffindor: 100 hufflepuff:. Like, wizard, 1891: father goes to prison, aberforth och ariana, what house was albus dumbledore in?

On, he.

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